KETO DIET Keto Friendly Snacks

Keto Classic Skinny Margarita Cocktails

Keto Classic Skinny Margarita Cocktails

Keto Classic Skinny Margarita Cocktails! In this margarita on the rocks there is ONE net carb . Loaded with sugar and carbs, restaurant margaritas . Ditch their version for homemade!

If you aren’t armed with the appropriate information, Keto-friendly cocktails can be difficult to come by. On how to make your own drinks, this post includes tips and when you are dining out in restaurants and/or bars, also how to order .

By using natural ingredients, you can make your margarita keto-friendly.

What Makes this Version Healthier?

Typically omits the sweet and sour and other syrup which is high in calories and carbs, a skinny margarita. Sometimes, instead, orange juice is used , usually the focus is on calories and (for which orange juice will not work for keto)not net carbs .

How Many Calories and Carbs

96 calories and 1 net carb.

Calories Are in a 12oz Frozen Margarita?

200-500 calories and 30-50 grams of carbs per cocktail.

Will Alcohol Knock You Out of Ketosis?

One drink will usually do me just fine while I’m in ketosis . When I’m out for a good time, I’m the type of girl who typically enjoys a few cocktails . You will feel the effects of alcohol a lot sooner as keto lifestyle is completely different. This is due to depleted glycogen and a change in metabolism.

While on a healthy lifestyle alcohol, in general can inhibit results if you are trying to lose weight. Instead of fat, when you drink alcohol your liver will use the products of the metabolized alcohol . Which means your body is working to get the alcohol out of your body instead of burning fat.

Occasional drinks should not harm results. You could be slowing your fat-burning process down if you drink often during the week or every weekend.

yield: 1
cook time: 5 MINUTES
total time: 5 MINUTES


  • (2oz will produce a stronger cocktail)1.5-2 oz of tequila
  • 4oz Be Mixed Margarita Cocktail Mixer
  • (divided)2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lime juice
  • kosher salt to line time rim of the glass


  1. To a glass rimmer, add kosher salt (enough to line your margarita glass) and one tablespoon of fresh lime juice.
  2. In the fresh lime juice, dip the margarita glass and then the salt to line the rim of the glass. You can also use sweetener.
  3. To a cocktail shaker, add ice.
  4. Next pour in the one tablespoon of fresh squeezed lime, Be Mixed Margarita Cocktail Mixer, and tequila.
  5. For several seconds, shake the cocktail .
  6. Into the margarita glass, pour the drink .

Nutrition Information

Yield 1
Serving Size 1 cocktail
Amount Per Serving
Calories 96
Total Fat 0g
Carbohydrates 1 net g
Protein 0g

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